Monday, January 21, 2013

Driving in Korea

What do you think?  Every time I see this photo it makes me laugh.  There are so many roads like this in Korea; too small for anything other than a compact.  The boys thought it was pretty funny, which is why I ended up on the road taking a photo (I really need to do that more often; take pictures of the funny stuff.  It is all part of the experience).

Our church is located on a street we would consider an alley.  The car barely makes it down the street (don't get me started about parking in the parking garage).  There are side roads this wide that are considered two lane roads.  Go figure!

This particular road was to see a burial mound.  This wasn't even the worst part.  We headed through a small neighborhood on an elevated road no wider than our car.  I am so glad Lane was driving.  At least he can see the front of the vehicle to keep it between the lines!  Thankfully there was room at the tombs for a 5 or 6 point turn.  It would have been a nightmare if we had to back out!

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