Friday, November 16, 2012

Olympic Park

Olympic Park is from the 1988 Summer Olympics held in Seoul.  The grounds, which include two arenas, a few historical locations, a sculpture garden, and the gallery of flags is now a public park.  There is also an Olympic museum, which we did not visit on this trip.  It was a great place to explore.
The Peace Gate, the main entrance to Olympic park.  The center of the gate holds the Olympic flame, which is the flame of peace.
The underside of the Peace Gate.
The gallery of flags.

The boys down by the pond.

Part of the park contains an old earthen wall of Mongchon Fortress, which was originally surrounded by a wooden fortress.  This sculpture depicts the wooden fortress wall.

Looking down at Peace Gate from the top of the fortress wall.

The tomb of Kim Gu (1649-1704) and his wife, Lady Yi.  It is located outside the fortress wall within the Olympic Park.
A bit of the scenery in the park.

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