Tuesday, November 6, 2012

International Fireworks Festival

Each fall Seoul hosts the International Fireworks Festival.  This year there were four countries participating: Korea, USA, Japan, and Italy.  Each country did a 20 minute display followed by a 10 minute break for the smoke to clear.  It was amazing. 

We had a great view along the Han River, although we were not close to all the activities. We walked about 30 minutes along the river walking path with a huge group of our neighbors.  We set up "camp" for a picnic dinner while we waited for the festivities to begin.

Next year we have all agreed to brave the crowds and head to the heart of the festival.  (Our friend said it took them an hour to walk the mile from the river back to their house!  It was wall to wall people.)


  1. I am LOVING reading all of your blog posts!! Such amazing adventures your boys are getting to go on! The fireworks festival sounds amazing. I think I get more excited about fireworks than my boys, ha ha :) And the "gangster" sign on the stocks at the amusement park still cracks me up :)
