Saturday, October 20, 2012

N Seoul Tower

Originally a TV broadcast tower, the N Seoul Tower is now a tourist destination. You would think the N would stand for North, but it stands for New after it was remodeled in 2005.  It is  236.7m tall and sits atop Namsan Mountain (243m), Seoul Tower has a great  panoramic view of Seoul.  We walked from the base up to the top of the mountain and caught the changing of the guard ceremony.

Hiking up Namsam Mountain

The view of downtown from the top of Namsam.

Changing of the guard.

Locks of Love.
Seoulites have a tradition of adding a lock to the fencing at Seoul Tower to mark the commitment to their love.


  1. When I read "Locks of Love" I was thinking of the picture surprised me! Looks like a beautiful hike!

  2. Ha ha! That's too funny!! I also was imagining hair and thinking "that's kinda gross, a wall of hair..." Then when I enlarged the picture and saw actual locks, it was way cooler, and I was a bit relieved :)
